Friday, October 15, 2010


 Figure 3. Sonograms showing longitudinal (left panel) and transverse (right panel) images of the left lobe containing a degenerated thyroid nodule. Note the thick wall and irregularity. N=nodule, H=hemorrhagic degenerated region.
 Figure 4. The left panel shows an anterior scintiscan of a euthyroid patient who had a tense nodule in the left thyroid lobe. The nodule is "cold". * * * =nodule. The right panel shows a sonogram of the neck in the longitudinal plane revealing that the nodule is a smooth-walled cystic structure without internal echoes. between the + + symbols. Note the dark dense echoes distal to the cyst. C=cyst, L=thyroid lobe.

Figure 5. Sonogram of the neck in the longitudinal plane showing a hypoechogenic nodule that was surrounded by an echo free rim, called a halo. Doppler examination demonstrated great vascularity in the halo, identified as bright spots. Small blood vessels are also seen elsewhere. N=nodule, L=heterogenous thyroid lobe, m=muscle.

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